(1) Level 5 Certificate in Early Years Practice
(2) Level 3 CACHE Certificate of Childminding Practice
ICP Passed
DCP Passed
ECP Passed
(3) First Aid (updated March 2025) and every 3 years
Other training:
(4) Child Observation
(5) Behaviour Management
(6) NSPCC Child Protection
(7) Food Hygiene (updated 2009)
(8) The Bag Ladies (promoting the use of scrap materials)
(9) Promoting your Childminding Business
(10) Storysacks
(11) Managing Babies
(12) Sing and Sign
(13) NCMA Quality First - "What's it all about and why should I take part ?"
(14) Birth to Three Matters
(15) Baby Massage
(16) Quality First Workshops on Keeping Children Safe, Providing Good Nutrition, Promoting equality of opportunity, respecting confidentiality.
(17) Workshops on Disability Awareness and Puppets
(18) Supporting Children through Bereavement
(19) Child Protection (updated 2023)
(20) Quality First - A Quality Assurance Scheme -PASSED - Level 3!
(21) Improving nutrition for Toddlers
(22) Brain Gym
(23) Anaphylaxis and Epi-pen training (updated Apr 08)
(24) Playing to Promote Development Part 1 & 2
(25) Culture of Play
(26) Healthy Eating
(27) How and Why Children Communicate
(28) Celebrations
(29) Inclusion for Childminders
(30) Early Years Foundation Stage Intro
(31) Wiggly Fingers Baby Signing
(32) Health and Safety for Childminders
(33) Observation, Assessment and Next Steps
(34) Understanding the Ebola virus
(35) Food Allergy
(36) Channel General Awareness - Protecting vulnerable people from being drawn into terrorism
(37) Female Genital Mutilation - Recognising and Preventing
(38) Revised Ofsted Inspection Framework and Prevent Duty
(39) GDPR Made Simple
(40) E safety
(41) Domestic Abuse
(42) EYFS Made Simple
(43) Teaching boys and girls
(44) Daily Routines
(45) Child Development In the Early Years
(46) Food Hygiene 2018
(47) Female Genital Mutilation 2018
(48) Prevention of Radicalisation 2018
(49) Corona Virus
(50) Modern Slavery and trafficking
(51) Forced Marriage
(52) Enabling Environments
(53) Fire Safety
(54) Equality and Diversity
(55) Resources to promote learning
(56) Introduction to and concerns about Development Matters (Webinars)
(57) Preventing Bullying
(58) Ofsted Early Years Education Inspection Framework
(59) Stress Awareness
(60) Manual Handling: safe lifting of children
(61) Mental Health and Young People
(62) Allergens
(63) Keeping children safe in Education
(64) Changes to the EYFS (Webinar)
(65) Water play and the characteristics of effective learning
(66) Inspection and You - Education Inspection Framework Jargo Busting, Judgement areas and Grading
(67) Songs and EYFS
(68) Focus on Cultural Capital
(69) Focus on the Learning Walk
**Please see certificates in my Training folder for more recent trainings**